Source code for helios.observations_api

Helios Observations API.

Methods are meant to represent the core functionality in the developer
documentation.  Some may have additional functionality for convenience.

import logging
import os
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
from io import BytesIO
from queue import Queue

import requests
from PIL import Image

from helios.core.mixins import SDKCore, IndexMixin, ShowMixin
from helios.core.structure import ImageRecord
from helios.utilities import logging_utils, parsing_utils

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Observations(ShowMixin, IndexMixin, SDKCore): """ The Observations API provides ground-truth data generated by the Helios analytics. """ _core_api = 'observations' def __init__(self, session=None): """ Initialize Observations instance. Args: session (helios.HeliosSession): An instance of the Session. Defaults to None. If unused a session will be created for you. """ super().__init__(session=session)
[docs] def index(self, **kwargs): """ Get observations matching the provided spatial, text, or metadata filters. The maximum skip value is 4000. If this is reached, truncated results will be returned. You will need to refine your query to avoid this. .. _observations_index_documentation: Args: **kwargs: Any keyword arguments found in the observations_index_documentation_. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing: feature_collection (:class:`ObservationsFeatureCollection <helios.observations_api.ObservationsFeatureCollection>`): Observations feature collection. failed (list of :class:`Record <helios.core.structure.Record>`): Failed API call records. """ succeeded, failed = super().index(**kwargs) content = [] for record in succeeded: for feature in record.content['features']: content.append(ObservationsFeature(feature)) return ObservationsFeatureCollection(content), failed
[docs] @logging_utils.log_entrance_exit def preview(self, observation_ids, out_dir=None, return_image_data=False): """ Get preview images from observations. Args: observation_ids (str or list of strs): list of observation IDs. out_dir (optional, str): Directory to write images to. Defaults to None. return_image_data (optional, bool): If True images will be available as PIL images in the returned ImageRecords. Defaults to False. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing: images (list of :class:`ImageRecord <helios.core.structure.ImageRecord>`): All received images. failed (list of :class:`ImageRecord <helios.core.structure.ImageRecord>`): Failed API calls. """ # Make sure directory exists. if out_dir is not None: if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) succeeded, failed = self._batch_process( self._preview_worker, observation_ids, out_dir=out_dir, return_image_data=return_image_data, ) return succeeded, failed
def _preview_worker( self, observation_id, out_dir=None, return_image_data=None, _session=None, _success_queue=None, _failure_queue=None, ): """ Handles preview calls. Args: observation_id (str): Observation ID. out_dir (str, optional): Optionally write data to a directory. return_image_data (bool, optional): Optionally load image data into PIL and include in returned data. _session (requests.Session): Session instance. _success_queue (Queue): Queue for successful calls. _failure_queue (Queue): Queue for unsuccessful calls. """ call_params = locals() url = '{}/{}/{}/preview'.format( self._base_api_url, self._core_api, observation_id ) try: resp = _session.get(url, verify=self._ssl_verify) resp.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: logger.exception('Failed to GET %s', url) _failure_queue.put(ImageRecord(url=url, parameters=call_params, error=e)) return image_content = resp.content # Parse key from url. parsed_url = parsing_utils.parse_url(str(resp.url)) _, image_name = os.path.split(parsed_url.path) # Write image to file. if out_dir: out_file = os.path.join(out_dir, image_name) with open(out_file, 'wb') as f: f.write(image_content) else: out_file = None # Read and return image data. if return_image_data: # Read image from response. try: img_data = except Exception as e: _failure_queue.put( ImageRecord(url=url, parameters=call_params, error=e) ) return else: img_data = None _success_queue.put( ImageRecord( url=url, parameters=call_params, name=image_name, content=img_data, output_file=out_file, ) )
[docs] def show(self, observation_ids): """ Get attributes for observations. Args: observation_ids (str or list of strs): Helios observation ID(s). Returns: tuple: A tuple containing: feature_collection (:class:`ObservationsFeatureCollection <helios.observations_api.ObservationsFeatureCollection>`): Observations feature collection. failed (list of :class:`Record <helios.core.structure.Record>`): Failed API call records. """ succeeded, failed = super().show(observation_ids) content = [] for record in succeeded: content.append(ObservationsFeature(record.content)) return ObservationsFeatureCollection(content), failed
[docs]class ObservationsFeature: """ Individual Observation GeoJSON feature. Attributes: city (str): 'city' value for the feature. country (str): 'country' value for the feature. description (str): 'description' value for the feature. id (str): 'id' value for the feature. json (dict): Raw JSON feature. prev_id (str): 'prev_id' value for the feature. region (str): 'region' value for the feature. sensors (dict): 'sensors' value for the feature. state (str): 'state' value for the feature. time (str): 'time' value for the feature. """ def __init__(self, feature): self.json = feature @property def city(self): return self.json['properties'].get('city') @property def country(self): return self.json['properties'].get('country') @property def description(self): return self.json['properties'].get('description') @property def id(self): return self.json.get('id') @property def prev_id(self): return self.json['properties'].get('prev_id') @property def region(self): return self.json['properties'].get('region') @property def sensors(self): return self.json['properties'].get('sensors') @property def state(self): return self.json['properties'].get('state') @property def time(self): return self.json['properties'].get('time')
[docs]class ObservationsFeatureCollection: """ Collection of GeoJSON features obtained via the Observations API. Convenience properties are available to extract values from every feature. Attributes: features (list of :class:`ObservationsFeature <helios.core.structure.ObservationsFeature>`): All features returned from a query. """ def __init__(self, features): self.features = features @property def city(self): """'city' values for every feature.""" return [ for x in self.features] @property def country(self): """'country' values for every feature.""" return [ for x in self.features] @property def description(self): """'description' values for every feature.""" return [x.description for x in self.features] @property def id(self): """'id' values for every feature.""" return [ for x in self.features] @property def json(self): """Raw 'json' for every feature.""" return [x.json for x in self.features] @property def prev_id(self): """'prev_id' values for every feature.""" return [x.prev_id for x in self.features] @property def region(self): """'region' values for every feature.""" return [x.region for x in self.features] @property def sensors(self): """'sensors' values for every feature.""" return [x.sensors for x in self.features] @property def state(self): """'state' values for every feature.""" return [x.state for x in self.features] @property def time(self): """'time' values for every feature.""" return [x.time for x in self.features] @property def observations(self): """ Observation data from the sensor block of each feature. Data will be returned as a dictionary with a key for each sensor. Observation data for each sensor is a named tuple ease-of-use. Each named tuple contains the sensor, time, data, prev, id, and prev_id. """ Observation = namedtuple( 'Observation', ['sensor', 'time', 'data', 'prev', 'id', 'prev_id'] ) data = defaultdict(list) for feature in self.features: for sensor, sensor_data in feature.sensors.items(): data[sensor].append( Observation( sensor, feature.time, sensor_data.get('data', -1), sensor_data.get('prev', -1),, feature.prev_id, ) ) return dict(data)