Source code for helios.collections_api

Helios Collections API.

Methods are meant to represent the core functionality in the developer
documentation.  Some may have additional functionality for convenience.


import hashlib
import logging
from collections import namedtuple

import requests

from helios.core.mixins import SDKCore, IndexMixin, ShowImageMixin
from helios.core.structure import ImageCollection, Record, RecordCollection
from helios.utilities import logging_utils

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Collections(ShowImageMixin, IndexMixin, SDKCore): """ The Collections API allows users to group and organize individual image frames. Collections are intended to be short-lived resources and will be accessible for 90 days from the time the collection was created. After that time period has expired, the collection and all associated imagery will be removed from the system. """ _core_api = 'collections' def __init__(self, session=None): """ Initialize Collection instance. Args: session (helios.Session object, optional): An instance of the Session. Defaults to None. If unused a session will be created for you. """ super(Collections, self).__init__(session=session)
[docs] @logging_utils.log_entrance_exit def add_image(self, collection_id, assets): """ Add images to a collection from Helios assets. `assets` dictionary templates: .. code-block:: python # Asset examples that can be included in the `assets` input list. {'camera_id': ''} {'camera_id': '', 'time': ''} {'observation_id': ''} {'collection_is': '', 'image': ''} Usage example: .. code-block:: python import helios collections = helios.Collections() camera_id = '...' times = [...] # List of image times. destination_id = '...' data = [{'camera_id': camera_id, 'time': x} for x in times] collections.add_image(destination_id, data) Args: collection_id (str): Collection ID. assets (dict or sequence of dicts): Data containing any of these payloads (camera_id), (camera_id, time), (observation_id), (collection_id, image). E.g. data = [{'camera_id': 'cam_01', time: '2017-01-01T00:00:000Z'}] Returns: :class:`RecordCollection <helios.core.structure.RecordCollection>` """ assert isinstance(assets, (list, tuple, dict)) if isinstance(assets, dict): assets = [assets] # Create messages for worker. Message = namedtuple('Message', ['collection_id', 'data']) messages = [Message(collection_id, x) for x in assets] # Process messages using the worker function. results = self._process_messages(self.__add_image_worker, messages) return RecordCollection([x.content for x in results], results)
def __add_image_worker(self, msg): """msg must contain collection_id and data""" # need to strip out the Bearer to work with a POST for collections post_token = self._request_manager.auth_token['value'].replace('Bearer ', '') # Compose post request parms = {'access_token': post_token} parms.update( header = {'name': 'Content-Type', 'value': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} post_url = '{}/collections/{}/images'.format(self._base_api_url, msg.collection_id) try: resp =, headers=header, data=parms) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: return Record(message=msg, query=post_url, error=e) return Record(message=msg, query=post_url, content=resp.json())
[docs] @logging_utils.log_entrance_exit def copy(self, collection_id, new_name): """ Copy a collection and its contents to a new collection. Args: collection_id (str): Collection ID. new_name (str): New collection name. Returns: str: New collection ID. """ # Get the collection metadata that needs to be copied. query_str = '{}/{}/{}'.format(self._base_api_url, self._core_api, collection_id) metadata = self._request_manager.get(query_str).json() # Get the images that exist in the collection. image_names = self.images(collection_id) # Create new collection. new_id = self.create(new_name, metadata['description'], metadata['tags']) # Add images to new collection. data = [{'collection_id': collection_id, 'image': x} for x in image_names] _ = self.add_image(new_id, data) return new_id
[docs] @logging_utils.log_entrance_exit def create(self, name, description, tags=None): """ Create a new collection. Args: name (str): Display name for the collection. description (str): Description for the collection. tags (str or sequence of strs, optional): Optional comma-delimited keyword tags to be added to the collection. Returns: str: New collection ID. """ # need to strip out the Bearer to work with a POST for collections post_token = self._request_manager.auth_token['value'].replace('Bearer ', '') # Compose parms block parms = {'name': name, 'description': description, 'access_token': post_token} if tags is not None: if isinstance(tags, (list, tuple)): tags = ','.join(tags) parms['tags'] = tags header = {'name': 'Content-Type', 'value': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} post_url = '{}/{}'.format(self._base_api_url, self._core_api) resp =, headers=header, data=parms).json() return resp['collection_id']
[docs] @logging_utils.log_entrance_exit def destroy(self, collection_id): """ Delete an empty collection. If the collection is not empty, delete will fail. Use the :meth:`empty <helios.collections_api.Collections.empty>` method to remove all imagery before calling this method. Args: collection_id (str): Collection to delete. Returns: dict: {ok: true} """ query_str = '{}/{}/{}'.format(self._base_api_url, self._core_api, collection_id) resp = self._request_manager.delete(query_str) return resp.json()
[docs] @logging_utils.log_entrance_exit def empty(self, collection_id): """ Bulk remove (up to 1000) images from a collection. Args: collection_id (str): Collection to empty. Returns: dict: {ok: true, total: 1000} """ query_str = '{}/{}/{}/images'.format(self._base_api_url, self._core_api, collection_id) resp = self._request_manager.delete(query_str) return resp.json()
[docs] @logging_utils.log_entrance_exit def images(self, collection_id, camera=None, old_flag=False): """ Get all image names in a given collection. When using the optional camera input parameter only images from that camera will be returned. Args: collection_id (str): Collection ID. camera (str, optional): Camera ID to be found. old_flag (bool, optional): Flag for finding old format image names. When True images that do not contain md5 hashes at the start of their name will be found. Returns: sequence of strs: Image names. """ mark_img = '' if camera is not None: if not old_flag: md5_str = hashlib.md5(camera.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() camera = md5_str[0:4] + '-' + camera mark_img = camera good_images = [] while True: results =, marker=mark_img) # Gather images. images_found = results.images if camera is not None: imgs_found_temp = [x for x in images_found if x.split('_')[0] == camera] else: imgs_found_temp = images_found if not imgs_found_temp: break good_images.extend(imgs_found_temp) if len(imgs_found_temp) < len(images_found): break else: mark_img = good_images[-1] return good_images
[docs] def index(self, **kwargs): """ Get collections matching the provided spatial, text, or metadata filters. The maximum skip value is 4000. If this is reached, truncated results will be returned. You will need to refine your query to avoid this. .. _collections_index_documentation: Args: **kwargs: Any keyword arguments found in the collections_index_documentation_. Returns: :class:`CollectionsFeatureCollection <helios.collections_api.CollectionsFeatureCollection>` """ results = super(Collections, self).index(**kwargs) content = [] for record in results: if record.ok: for feature in record.content['results']: content.append(CollectionsFeature(feature)) return CollectionsFeatureCollection(content, results)
[docs] @logging_utils.log_entrance_exit def remove_image(self, collection_id, names): """ Remove images from a collection. Args: collection_id (str): Collection ID to remove images from. names (str or sequence of strs): List of image names to be removed. Returns: :class:`RecordCollection <helios.core.structure.RecordCollection>` """ if not isinstance(names, (list, tuple)): names = [names] # Create messages for worker. Message = namedtuple('Message', ['collection_id', 'img_name']) messages = [Message(collection_id, x) for x in names] # Process messages using the worker function. results = self._process_messages(self.__remove_image_worker, messages) return RecordCollection([x.content for x in results], results)
def __remove_image_worker(self, msg): """msg must contain collection_id and img_name""" query_str = '{}/{}/{}/images/{}'.format(self._base_api_url, self._core_api, msg.collection_id, msg.img_name) try: resp = self._request_manager.delete(query_str) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: return Record(message=msg, query=query_str, error=e) return Record(message=msg, query=query_str, content=resp.json())
[docs] @logging_utils.log_entrance_exit def show(self, collection_id, limit=200, marker=None): """ Get the attributes and image list for collections. The results will also contain image names available in the collection. These are limited to a maximum of 200 per query. Args: collection_id (str): Collection ID. limit (int, optional): Number of image names to be returned with each response. Defaults to 200. Max value of 200 is allowed. marker (str, optional): Pagination marker. If the marker is an exact match to an existing image, the next image after the marker will be the first image returned. Therefore, for normal linked list pagination, specify the last image name from the current response as the marker value in the next request. Partial file names may be specified, in which case the first matching result will be the first image returned. Returns: :class:`CollectionsFeature <helios.collections_api.CollectionsFeature>` """ if not isinstance(collection_id, str): raise TypeError('Expected collection_id to be a str but found {} ' 'instead'.format(type(collection_id))) params_str = self._parse_query_inputs(dict(limit=limit, marker=marker)) query_str = '{}/{}/{}?{}'.format(self._base_api_url, self._core_api, collection_id, params_str) resp = self._request_manager.get(query_str) return CollectionsFeature(resp.json())
[docs] def show_image(self, collection_id, image_names, out_dir=None, return_image_data=False): """ Get images from a collection. Args: collection_id (str): Collection ID to add images into. image_names (str or sequence of strs): Image names. out_dir (optional, str): Directory to write images to. Defaults to None. return_image_data (optional, bool): If True images will be returned as numpy.ndarrays. Defaults to False. Returns: :class:`ImageCollection <helios.core.structure.ImageCollection>` """ results = super(Collections, self).show_image(collection_id, image_names, out_dir=out_dir, return_image_data=return_image_data) content = [] for record in results: if record.ok: content.append(record.content) return ImageCollection(content, results)
[docs] @logging_utils.log_entrance_exit def update(self, collections_id, name=None, description=None, tags=None): """ Update a collection. Args: collections_id (str): Collection ID. name (str, optional): Name to be changed to. description (str, optional): Description to be changed to. tags (str or sequence of strs, optional): Optional comma-delimited keyword tags to be changed to. """ if name is None and description is None and tags is None: raise ValueError('Update requires at least one keyword argument ' 'to be used.') # need to strip out the Bearer to work with a PATCH for collections patch_token = self._request_manager.auth_token['value'].replace('Bearer ', '') # Compose parms block parms = {} if name is not None: parms['name'] = name if description is not None: parms['description'] = description if tags is not None: if isinstance(tags, (list, tuple)): tags = ','.join(tags) parms['tags'] = tags parms['access_token'] = patch_token header = {'name': 'Content-Type', 'value': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} patch_url = '{}/{}/{}'.format(self._base_api_url, self._core_api, collections_id) self._request_manager.patch(patch_url, headers=header, data=parms)
[docs]class CollectionsFeature(object): """ Individual Collection JSON result. Attributes: bucket (str): 'bucket' value for the result. created_at (str): 'city' value for the result. description (str): 'created_at' value for the result. id (str): '_id' value for the result. images (sequence of strs): 'images' value for the result. json (dict): Raw JSON result. name (str): 'name' value for the result. tags (sequence of strs): 'tags' value for the result. updated_at (str): 'updated_at' value for the result. user_id (str): 'user_id' value for the result. """ def __init__(self, feature): self.json = feature # Use dict.get built-in to guarantee all values will be initialized. self.bucket = feature.get('bucket') self.created_at = feature.get('created_at') self.description = feature.get('description') = feature.get('_id') self.images = feature.get('images') = feature.get('name') self.tags = feature.get('tags') self.updated_at = feature.get('updated_at') self.user_id = feature.get('user_id')
[docs]class CollectionsFeatureCollection(RecordCollection): """ Iterable for features obtained via the Collections API. All features within CollectionsFeatureCollection are instances of :class:`CollectionsFeature <helios.collections_api.CollectionsFeature>` """ def __init__(self, content, records): super(CollectionsFeatureCollection, self).__init__(content, records) @property def bucket(self): """'bucket' values for every result.""" return [x.bucket for x in self._content] @property def created_at(self): """'city' values for every result.""" return [x.created_at for x in self._content] @property def description(self): """'created_at' values for every result.""" return [x.description for x in self._content] @property def id(self): """'_id' values for every result.""" return [ for x in self._content] @property def json(self): """Raw 'json' for every feature.""" return [x.json for x in self._content] @property def name(self): """'name' values for every result.""" return [ for x in self._content] @property def tags(self): """'tags' values for every result.""" return [x.tags for x in self._content] @property def updated_at(self): """'updated_at' values for every result.""" return [x.updated_at for x in self._content] @property def user_id(self): """'user_id' values for every result.""" return [x.user_id for x in self._content]