Source code for helios.cameras_api

Helios Cameras API.

Methods are meant to represent the core functionality in the developer
documentation.  Some may have additional functionality for convenience.

import logging

from dateutil.parser import parse
from helios.core.mixins import SDKCore, ShowMixin, ShowImageMixin, IndexMixin
from helios.core.structure import RecordCollection
from helios.utilities import logging_utils

[docs]class Cameras(ShowImageMixin, ShowMixin, IndexMixin, SDKCore): """The Cameras API provides access to all cameras in the Helios Network.""" _core_api = 'cameras' def __init__(self, session=None): """ Initialize Cameras instance. Args: session (helios.Session object, optional): An instance of the Session. Defaults to None. If unused a session will be created for you. """ super(Cameras, self).__init__(session=session) self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] @logging_utils.log_entrance_exit def images(self, camera_id, start_time, end_time=None, limit=500): """ Get the image times available for a given camera in the media cache. The media cache contains all recent images archived by Helios, either for internal analytics or for end user recording purposes. Args: camera_id (str): Camera ID. start_time (str): Starting image timestamp, specified in UTC as an ISO 8601 string (e.g. 2014-08-01 or 2014-08-01T12:34:56.000Z). end_time (str, optional): Ending image timestamp, specified in UTC as an ISO 8601 string (e.g. 2014-08-01 or 2014-08-01T12:34:56.000Z). limit (int, optional): Number of images to be returned, up to a max of 500. Defaults to 500. Returns: sequence of strs: Image times. """ if end_time: end = parse(end_time).utctimetuple() else: end = None image_times = [] while True: query_str = '{}/{}/{}/images?time={}&limit={}'.format(self._base_api_url, self._core_api, camera_id, start_time, limit) # Get image times available. resp = self._request_manager.get(query_str) times = resp.json()['times'] # Return now if no end_time was provided. if end_time is None: image_times.extend(times) break # Parse the last time and break if no times were found try: last = parse(times[-1]).utctimetuple() except IndexError: break # the last image is still newer than the end time, keep looking if last < end: if len(times) > 1: image_times.extend(times[0:-1]) start_time = times[-1] else: image_times.extend(times) break # The end time is somewhere in between. elif last > end: good_times = [x for x in times if parse(x).utctimetuple() < end] image_times.extend(good_times) break else: image_times.extend(times) break if not image_times: self._logger.warning('No images were found for %s in the %s to %s range.', camera_id, start_time, end_time) return image_times
[docs] def index(self, **kwargs): """ Get cameras matching the provided spatial, text, or metadata filters. The maximum skip value is 4000. If this is reached, truncated results will be returned. You will need to refine your query to avoid this. .. _cameras_index_documentation: Args: **kwargs: Any keyword arguments found in the cameras_index_documentation_. Returns: :class:`IndexResults <helios.cameras_api.IndexResults>` """ results = super(Cameras, self).index(**kwargs) content = [] for record in results: if record.ok: for feature in record.content['features']: content.append(CamerasFeature(feature)) return IndexResults(content, results)
[docs] def show(self, camera_ids): """ Get attributes for cameras. Args: camera_ids (str or sequence of strs): Helios camera ID(s). Returns: :class:`ShowResults <helios.cameras_api.ShowResults>` """ results = super(Cameras, self).show(camera_ids) content = [] for record in results: if record.ok: content.append(CamerasFeature(record.content)) return ShowResults(content, results)
[docs] def show_image(self, camera_id, times, out_dir=None, return_image_data=False): """ Get images from the media cache. The media cache contains all recent images archived by Helios, either for internal analytics or for end user recording purposes. Args: camera_id (str): Camera ID. times (str or sequence of strs): Image times, specified in UTC as an ISO 8601 string (e.g. 2017-08-01 or 2017-08-01T12:34:56.000Z). The image with the closest matching timestamp will be returned. out_dir (optional, str): Directory to write images to. Defaults to None. return_image_data (optional, bool): If True images will be returned as numpy.ndarrays. Defaults to False. Returns: :class:`ShowImageResults <helios.cameras_api.ShowImageResults>` """ results = super(Cameras, self).show_image(camera_id, times, out_dir=out_dir, return_image_data=return_image_data) content = [] for record in results: if record.ok: content.append(record.content) return ShowImageResults(content, results)
[docs]class CamerasFeature(object): """ Individual Camera GeoJSON feature. Attributes: city (str): 'city' value for the feature. country (str): 'country' value for the feature. description (str): 'description' value for the feature. direction (str): 'direction' value for the feature. id (str): 'id' value for the feature. json (dict): Raw 'json' for the feature. region (str): 'region' value for the feature. state (str): 'state' value for the feature. video (bool): 'video' value for the feature. """ def __init__(self, feature): self.json = feature # Use dict.get built-in to guarantee all values will be initialized. = feature['properties'].get('city') = feature['properties'].get('country') self.description = feature['properties'].get('description') self.direction = feature['properties'].get('direction') = feature.get('id') self.region = feature['properties'].get('region') self.state = feature['properties'].get('state') = feature['properties'].get('video')
class CamerasFeatureCollection(RecordCollection): """Derived class for Cameras feature collections.""" def __init__(self, content, records): super(CamerasFeatureCollection, self).__init__(content, records) @property def city(self): """'city' values for every feature.""" return [ for x in self._content] @property def country(self): """'country' values for every feature.""" return [ for x in self._content] @property def description(self): """'description' values for every feature.""" return [x.description for x in self._content] @property def direction(self): """'direction' values for every feature.""" return [x.direction for x in self._content] @property def id(self): """'id' values for every feature.""" return [ for x in self._content] @property def json(self): """Raw 'json' for every feature.""" return [x.json for x in self._content] @property def region(self): """'region' values for every feature.""" return [x.region for x in self._content] @property def state(self): """'state' values for every feature.""" return [x.state for x in self._content] @property def video(self): """'video' values for every feature.""" return [ for x in self._content]
[docs]class IndexResults(CamerasFeatureCollection): """ Index results for the Cameras API. IndexResults is an iterable for GeoJSON features. This allows the user to iterate and select based on Feature attributes for each element. All features within IndexResults are instances of :class:`CamerasFeature <helios.cameras_api.CamerasFeature>` """ def __init__(self, content, records): super(IndexResults, self).__init__(content, records)
[docs]class ShowImageResults(RecordCollection): """ Show_image results for the Cameras API. ShowImageResults is an iterable for the fetched image content. Each element of the iterable will be an ndarray if return_image_data was True. """ def __init__(self, content, records): super(ShowImageResults, self).__init__(content, records) @property def image_data(self): """Image data if return_image_data was True.""" return self._content @property def output_file(self): """Full paths to all written images.""" return [x.output_file for x in self._raw if x.ok] @property def name(self): """Names of all images.""" return [ for x in self._raw if x.ok]
[docs]class ShowResults(CamerasFeatureCollection): """ Show results for the Cameras API. ShowResults is an iterable for GeoJSON features. This allows the user to iterate and select based on Feature attributes for each element. All features within ShowResults are instances of :class:`CamerasFeature <helios.cameras_api.CamerasFeature>` """ def __init__(self, content, records): super(ShowResults, self).__init__(content, records)